What, or whom, does a Strategy (strategy = “a mature person’s thing”) and Design (design = “a young person’s thing”) Consultancy with 33 years’ experience (experience = “a mature person’s thing”) serve, at times in which the prevailing bias is the overvaluation of youth as an expression of creativity (creativity= “a young person’s thing”), on account of the times of technology, Internet, social media, Facebook, blogs, etc. (technology = “a young person’s thing”), but in which major brands, with great challenges, feel that the responsibility for deciding and acting under a holistic and grounded vision requires creativity, but also baggage and repertories that are only amassed through practice, study, time and knowledge (knowledge = “a mature person’s thing”)?
That is what Oz was designed for, a company that combines the values of acquired experience to the restlessness of the innovative spirit, bringing together a senior team of professionals, passionate about what they have been doing for long, with a team of restless youths, who are identified, chosen and trained to expand their original potential through monitored practice, fostered by the experienced amassed over time.